Sunday, June 29, 2008

Melacca The Place With Fully History

Malacca is rich with history. It was founded by an exiled prince from Sumatra. Parameswara, in 1400. It thrived as a port-of-call to many ship and merchant from China, India, Arab and South America. In 1511 it fell to the hands of the Portuguese followed by the Dutch in 1641 after a fierce battle. In 1795, Malacca was given to the Natherlands was captured to Dutch in 1818 exchanged by the British for Bencoleen, Sumatra. From 1862, onwards, it was ruled by English East India Company in Culcutta together with Singapore and Penang under Straits Settlement administration. After World War 2, anti-colonial sentiment bred in the country among the nationalists the result of which the proclamation of Independence by His Highness Tunku Abduk Rahman Putra Al Haj, Malaysia's first Prime Minister, at the Padang pahlawan (Warrior's Field) at Bandar Hilir, Melacca on 20th February 1956.
Malacca vs history
There also got delicious food like Satay Celup and Candoi with gula malaka...

The sunset near the beach at Melacca

The night view at Malacca also very beautiful^^

A Journey to Pulau Kukup at Johor

Pulau Kukup is a village that near to the sea. There is a good place to relax but not a good place for fun. All the houses are build on the sea, include the school.

I relized that 50% above traveler is older people. The all traveler live at a place long house like the picture below.

There provide mohjong and karaoke system. All the older people like to play mahjong at here however the children and teenager singing non-stop. Like us ^^
The next morning we go to mangrove the tropical tree that grows in swamps and sends roots down fromits branches.

We also visit the fish farm. The sea water there very dirty, so we can see some fish was die...

If got change i'll go there again with my family. But for the active person i advance you don't think about it, because you will feel boring and nothing to do at there. Have a nice day^^

Friday, May 9, 2008

My Presentation: Hair Care

My first presentation in MIB is Hair Care... So i would like to write in out in my blog^^

What is healthy hair means?
The first obvious sign of having healthy hair is its shine. A shiny head of hair means that the scales of the cuticle which is the protective covering of each strand are smooth and flat against the hair shaft enough to reflect the light. The strength of each hair strand is also a determinant to the healthy hair. According to the American Acedamy of Dermatology, there have 4 factors that we need to watch out in order to keep our hair healthy and beautiful. These 4 factors are keeping the hair shiny, decreasing the static electricity of our hair, improving the strength of each strand and protecting it from ultraviolet radiation. Unfortunately, there are some of us who fail in the basics of hair care and thus ending up with dull, dry and frizzled hair, thinned and made brittle by too much sun exposure, too much chemical treatments ang even over-shampooing.

I have some tips that i can share with you.
1. Water
Water makes up one-fourth of the weight of a strand of hair. Moisture makes the hair supple. So, make sure you get plenty of fluids. A key point is NOT to wait you are thirsty. It mean your body already lost more water than it should have and it's urging you to fill up the tank. Water not only hydrates your body but hepls to keep your hair silky and shine. Ideally, you should Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
2. Protein
Protein is the building block of hair, so a diet for healthy hair contain an awful lot of protein! Protein will give you the shaft of your hair more strength and will reduce the likelihood of dame through snapping and splitting. You can get protein from food like fish, meat, milk and cheese.
3. Minerals
Iron helps to carry out the oxygen. Without enough iron, Hair and its follicle get lack of oxygen. This mean that the "goodness" in the root of your hair is much less effective along yhe length of the strand. You can increase your iron intake by eating red meat and dark green vegetables or by iron supplements.
Zinc build hair protein which helps to prevent hair loss. Meat and seafood are the foods highest in zinc.
Copper is involved in the pigmentation of hair. you can optimize your natural colour with plenty of copper. Shellfish, liver, nuts and seeds are all high in copper.
4. Vitamins
-Vitamin A
Vitamin A will give you a healthy scalp, because it's great for the skin! You can get Vitamin A from vegetables like carrot.
-Vitamins B and C
vitamin B and C are important for good circulation in hair growth and hair colour. You can get these vitamins from fruit, egg, milk and bread.

More information you can go to:
Try to follow these tips, be sure to add in a hefty dose of daily exercise to keep the blood pumping the add proper hair care. Soon enough you'll be turning down offers to do shampoo commercials.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

My Cake Story^^

Now is the cakes story... Haha

It is very fun to bake a cakes or breads...

My Bread Story^^

I'm here already 1 month and learn a lot of baking things... All this breads is my baking products^^

Monday, April 28, 2008

Low Ratio Butter Vs High Ratio Butter

Low Ratio Butter
Low ratio cakes generally are made from All Purpose Flour wih less than 100% sugar. This flour is slighty coarse and higher protein, so the resulting cake has a coarser texture as found in traditional Butter cakes.

High ratio flour with its fine granulation and uniformity of particle size helps to provide a tender and fine-grained cake crumb with thin cel walls, good volume and symmetry.

Using the flour batter method, mixing the flour and the fat allow the fat to coat the flour particles creating a cake that is soft and tender.

The sponge consisting of egg and sugar should be mixed at medium speed so that the air bubbles created is fine and helps to stabilise the cake. The sponge should only be mixed to an SG of 0.3 and not any more or the resulting cake will sink in the midle (M-fault)

High Ratio Cake
In general, a hih ratio cake is a cake that is prepared with a relatively high amount of sugar in the recipe. In most cases, high ratio cake are considered to contain a much higher amount of sugar in comparison to the amount of flour that is used.

A high ratio cake is characterized by a taste that is made exceptionally sweet, owing in comparison to cakes that contain less sugar.

Usually, a proper high ratio cake will require the use of specially high ratio flour and high ratio shortening (emulsifier shortening). As the latter is not available, it can substituted with regular shortening and the addition of emulsifier (10%-15%), which helps to lend more smoothness to the texture of the finished cake.

Flour for the high ratio cake is usually ground into very fine particles and chlorinated to allow the particles to blend quickly with the high sugar content and the liquids used in the recipe.

High ratio cakes tend to have higher liquid content making the batter thinner and heavier (SG=0.425). This is compensated with a high amount of baking powder (5%) to aerate the cake.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I'm here at MIB already 3 weeks... A little information about cakes that i can share with you^^
Lets our cake story begin...

Cakes is a baked batter made from flour, sugar, eggs, shortening, milk and leavening mixed together in such a way to produce a fluffy, fine grained baked product. The quality cakes depend on many factors such as ingredients used, mixing method, batter temperature, baking temperature, etc...
There also have many type of cakes such as Black Forest Cake, Chocolate Cake, Cheese Cake, Butter Cake, Fruit Cake and so on...
Different cakes have different way to bake... Let me give some example to you^^


Butter cake have 2 methods... Flour Batter Method and Sugar Batter Method...

Flour Batter Method

  1. Whisk egg, sugar, dextrose and emulsifier on medium speed for 5 minutes until slightly thickened, The SG should be around 0.3 (Batter Weight=150g). This is called the SPONGE.
  2. Remove the SPONGE and transfer into a stainless steel bowl.
  3. Using a paddle, mix butter, margarine, salt, flavour and sorbitol on medium speed for 5-8 minutes.
  4. Premix flour, baking powder and milk powder and blend in, on slow speed for 30 seconds and medium speed for 5 minutes. This is the FAT and FLOUR mixture.
  5. Blend 1/3 of the SPONGE into the FAY and FLOUR mixtire on hogh spped for 1 minute. Continue to add another 1/3 on medium speed for 1 minute. Add the rest of the SPONGE and mix an slow speed for 1 minute until evenly blended. The final SG should be around 0.65 (Batter Weight=325g).
  6. Scale 380g batter into each paper lined cake tin. To create a marbling effect, take 10% of the batter and add some chocolate paste on top.
  7. Bake at 180 degree celsius for about 35-40 minutes until golden brown.

Sugar Batter Method

  1. With a paddle, mix margarine, butter, emulsifier and sugar for 1 minute on slow speed and 10 minutes on high speed until fluffy.
  2. Add eggs and vanilla flavour gradually over 10 minutes on high speed. Scrape the bowl and change to medium speed and mix for 5 minytes.
  3. Premix flour, baking powder, milk powder sieve together. Add all in on slow speedfor 30 seconds followed by water and sorbitol for another 30 seconds. The final S.G should be 0.8.
  4. Scale 380g batter into paper lined cake tins. To create a marbling effect, take 10% of the batter and add some chocolate paste on top.
  5. Bake at 180 degree celsius for 35 -40 minutes.

*S.G is specific gravitythat generally denoted by a number from 0 to 1. it relates to the amount of air incorporated into the cake mix during mixing. For the example: S.G for a stiff meringue is 0.2 and S.G for a watery cake batter is 0.9. The formula S.G is weight of batter divide weight of water.

Here is my story of cakes... Actually is information about cakes la... Haha^^

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Just For Fun

Nothing to write but i still need to write something... So that my title is just for fun lo^^ haha...
I still not very good on writing something through online... So, don't laugh at me Ooo...
T.T... I have no idea that what can i write la!!
HELP!! ANYBODY CAN HELP ME?? Teach me how to write through online... I have no experiance on this and i'm zero knowledge on computer(about the blog, MSN, e-mail etc)... Before this i won't search the information through the internet except teacher want us to do so... But now, i find out that we can learn many things through the internet than a book and it can save our time...
Chatting with friends by using internet also very interesting... The importance one is cheapper than using cellphone... Everythings need to charge...
That all for today la... my brain is blank liao... haha

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Hostel Life

I'm here at kl already 2 weeks... Started to miss my hometown T.T
Although my hometown just a little village like a kampung but the air is fresh not like kl...
All my friends going back to their home... Because tomorrow no school... So just left few of us T.T One from Sarawak and one is my "old" friend from Kedah too... We knew each other since we met at kindergarten... When we met, just 5 years old only Ooo...
Last night me and my friends sewing some DIY dolls... It's very cute and fun to try it as a hobby^^ Hei... why i talk about this?? My title is hostel life lie...
Back to my title... Hostel life O.O
This is my first time i leave my home alone... At here i learn many things... Like cook, food hygiene, managament and the best one is how to bake^^ That's why i leaving my hometown to create my future at here, kl...
Mmm... how to write?? How to start my sentences?? My mind is blank although there have many ideas... Haha
Ms Bina said that just write what you thinking or as a diary... but for me is difficult because i have not experiance on this... But i'll try to do my best to become a blogger... Why i alway write something that not related to my title >.< Back to my title again... haha
My hostel is near to my college... There have 7 rooms but still have some room that nobody live... I have 9 friends from certain part of Malaysia and 1 senior in the hostel... Our relationship is very good... We alway join together to chat or do something elsa... From them, i knew about their live and their family problem... So i'm lucky to have a complete home... Father, mother, sister and two brother...
That's all for today... bye^^

Sunday, April 6, 2008

My First Step In MIB

The first week of March, I came here for a visit. When I stepped in MIB, I felt that MIB gave me some feeling... What's the feeling that MIB gave me?? I ask myself...
Finally, I knew what's the feeling is... The feeling like a home... A home with fully love and care that I can't found at any colleges^^ The staff here all very friendly... Even the CEO, Mr. Don Yong... That's why I choosing MIB as my future...
31 March 2008, I started my studies... A new begining in a part of my life with MIB...