Malacca is rich with history. It was founded by an exiled prince from Sumatra. Parameswara, in 1400. It thrived as a port-of-call to many ship and merchant from China, India, Arab and South America. In 1511 it fell to the hands of the Portuguese followed by the Dutch in 1641 after a fierce battle. In 1795, Malacca was given to the Natherlands was captured to Dutch in 1818 exchanged by the British for Bencoleen, Sumatra. From 1862, onwards, it was ruled by English East India Company in Culcutta together with Singapore and Penang under Straits Settlement administration. After World War 2, anti-colonial sentiment bred in the country among the nationalists the result of which the proclamation of Independence by His Highness Tunku Abduk Rahman Putra Al Haj, Malaysia's first Prime Minister, at the Padang pahlawan (Warrior's Field) at Bandar Hilir, Melacca on 20th February 1956.
Malacca vs history

There also got delicious food like Satay Celup and Candoi with gula malaka...

The sunset near the beach at Melacca

The night view at Malacca also very beautiful^^